Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stretch Armstrong!

OK, everyone said, "Use cocoa butter everyday and you won't get stretch marks."  You lied!  You all lied! 

Ha- I know it's a normal pregnancy thing, but it was seriously a shock when I looked in the mirror after my morning shower a week or so ago and saw a few red bumps on my stomach.  I couldn't really see what it was, but it itched.  Later that day, I showed Jose and asked him what he thought it was.  He gave me the bad news... "I think it's stretch marks." 

Well, his thinking was right.  As the days have gone by, they have expanded and darkend.  It's weird that they are darker and larger on the left side than the right.  Then again, I feel him pushing, kicking and rolling around more on the left.  I continue to lather on the cocoa butter two to three times a day in hopes that they won't get out of control.

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