OK, so my belly button is weirding me out. About a week ago I noticed it looked and felt a little funny. Obviously, my belly is stretching but I didn't think that I would feel the tugging so much around the navel.
I went to the experts, other moms, and asked if it was normal. According to each person I asked, thier belly button was funky during pregnancy too. Some even said their "innies" became "outies." I looked it up on the internet, of course, and every site said the changes in your belly button during pregnancy were normal. Many women tape their belly buttons to make them flat. I don't think I will go that far!
Oh well, I'm going to have the doctor check it out at my next appointment to make sure it isn't a hernia or anything (which I'm sure it's not). It's better to be safe than sorry.
I'm off to lather my belly in cocoa butter lotion!
This is a test. :)