Saturday, January 23, 2010

38 weeks

Yesterday, Jose and I went to our 38 week appointment.  We were scheduled to have an ultrasound first to see how big Jackson is.  If you recall from my post last week, Dr. G thought he may be small because my stomach isn't measuring as it should (I think the weight is going to my legs- oh no!).  The ultrasound tech sped through the measuring part.  I gathered the following from the ultrasound:

  • He is head down and in position to meet the world,
  • His heart looks good and beats at a steady 130 bpm,
  • He has two kidneys,
  • His leg and arm bones are normal size,
  • He has a round belly and small stomach,
  • He has a beautiful foot; and, 
  • He is shy! (He wouldn't turn his head so we could see his precious face).
From the measurements, the tech and Dr. G concluded that Jackson is measuring 38 weeks!  They estimated his weight to be about 7 1/2 pounds, give or take a pound.

I am now 2cm dialated.  This means that if he continues to progress as he has the last week or two, we will be meeting him very soon!  Dr. G said, "Hopefully this is a sign that things will move quickly when you start having contractions."  YES!  Please let that be the case.

I continue to have good blood pressure and my weight is where it should be (although I don't think gaining 30 pounds is awesome).

Pray for us during these last two weeks of pregnancy.  We are ready to meet our baby boy!


  1. Oh girl, let me just tell you, 30 pounds is AWESOME! I gained about 55 pounds! Of course, I was retaining a lot of fluid and had high blood pressure issues, so that added a lot of weight...(but not the whole 55 pounds like I was hoping!). One thing, breastfeeding is amazing at taking the pounds off! You burn several hundred calories everytime you nurse! SCORE! :)
    Looks like everything is going great for you! I'm so glad! I was induced one day before I turned 38 weeks (due to the elevated BP). Won't be long now at all before you have Jackson in your arms! The most amazing, AMAZING feeling EVER!!!! :)

  2. I really hope that I can breastfeed. I know how important it is for Jackson's health. I want to have that bonding experience. And the expedited weight loss sounds good, too. :) I can't wait to meet him. I hope Tucker is doing well! Maybe he and Jackson can have a playdate sometime.
